
My Sticky Board for Tomorrow is Mostly Purple!

Which means, according to my carefully color-coded, highly obsessive-compulsive sticky note task organization system, that I am actually scheduled to work primarily on tasks that fall within the realm of honest-to-goodness literary management! Which is, technically, the department in which I am supposed to be interning this year, in case anyone had forgotten. I myself had nearly forgotten, what with all the dramaturgy and other such randomness I've been spending most of my time on of late. Which has all been fun, but I'm excited for the chance to actually read and respond to some scripts. Woo-hoo!

On a slightly less exciting note, I arrived at the theatre this morning to discover that I had received a parking ticket. Turns out that last night when I went home after work, I completely forgot that I had driven my car in that morning--something I rarely do, and only did yesterday so that I could attend my Anthropology course and still get to work in time to set up for the Seagull reading. So I blithely walked home last night, as I always do (well, actually not terribly blithely--it was dark by that time, and kind of chilly, and I wouldn't have minded driving home if I had remembered that my car was available), and then this morning as I was walking in, I passed the spot where I had parked the day before, thought "hm, that's the spot where I parked yesterday," realized "hm, that's my car parked in that spot," noticed "hm, that's a ticket on the windshield," and then the whole foolish series of events came crashing into my consciousness. Oops.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boo to parking tickets. But congrats on actually being able to do your job!

8:15 AM  

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