
The Latest on the Writing Scene

Two quick but exciting (to me, at least) updates:

First of all, I just started a new blog! That's right, another one! "But, Elizabeth, you already had four," you point out (quite accurately). "What on earth do you need another one for?" Well, I have decided to create one devoted entirely to the progress of my novel, because it's reached the point where it's kind of like a child to me, and let's face it, if I had a child, I might well create a blog for him/her, except for the creepy stalker factor, but the great thing about a novel is you don't have to worry nearly as much about creepy stalkers as you might with a person. And anyway, I thought it would be an interesting process to be able to look back on and have a record of. So, a fifth blog it is!

It's called Garbage, which is the working title of the novel at the moment, not for any self-deprecatory reasons, but because it's about a young man who becomes a garbage collector. And there's a link to it in the sidebar under "More About Me." So, if you are really searching high and low for more random ways to wile away time on the internet, and for some reason you have an interest in the various events of my life, Merry Christmas!

But the second, even more exciting (yes, it is possible!) news is that I just got word from one of the artists' residencies I spent all last year applying to that they have an opening coming up in March, and they invited me to take it, and I accepted! So, I will have ten fun days of solitude and freedom to pursue my writing. "But, um, Elizabeth," you say, somewhat hesitantly because you have already questioned me once in this blog post, but pretty sure you have yet another accurate and legitimate observation. "Isn't that basically what this entire year is for you?" Well, yes, excellent point. But the selling points of the artists' residency include a change of scenery, the chance to meet the four other artists in residence at the same time, and my own private lakeside cabin. Not to mention the impressive air of legitimacy it will cloak me in... :-)

Anyway, it's really nice to have all the applying finally pay off for a little something, and it will be a fun experience and a cool chance to meet other people. I might also get a chance to lead a writing workshop in one of the residency's partner schools, because that's one of the requests to repay them for the use of the cabin. Should be neat. So I'll head off there in March as soon as I return from post-Katrina rebuilding in Mississippi. Yay!

That's all for now. Wow! I'm pretty sure that's the shortest blog entry I've ever written. Of course, it probably helps that I wrote four lengthy posts in my new blog earlier today. Hmm. What can I say, I did set aside this year to pursue my writing...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, 'beth. After reading your post about your sociological/anthropological epiphany, and now this 'write in the cabin in the woods' dealie, it sounds like things are definitely going full-steam ahead for you. When you have a bit of free time, we should meet and chat more about these exciting developments.

12:46 AM  

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