
La Vie Est Belle, Non?

Mais oui!

Another wonderful week of interning, with much reading of plays and other odd jobs. On Sunday the Playhouse held a Tony party, complete with '50s diner fare--hamburgers and potato salad and even root beer floats, yum!, also a lovely-looking dish served in fancy dessert glasses which appeared to be some sort of apple cinnamon crumble drizzled in caramel atop vanilla ice cream, but revealed itself, upon first bite, to be, in fact, quite to the contrary, ground beef drizzled with gravy atop mashed potatoes, which was rather a shock to our fellow intern, Peter, whose pride at having been the first to snag a dessert soon changed to somewhat indignant surprise. It really was misleading... But funny... :-) But the excitement of the evening was Jersey Boys snagging four Tonys, including Best Musical, which is the biggie, so there was much celebrating. And, they did eventually produce real desserts, including delicious apple pie, the leftovers of which appeared in the lunchroom the following morning, to which no one raised violent protest.

So Monday my tasks included compiling packets of newspaper clippings on the victories from the local rag, as well as a trip to the local news station to drop off a tape. Yesterday and today were a marathon of script reading, with the added excitement of a tutorial on how to log new scripts into the database, and an assignment in partnership with my fellow Literary intern to interview a scene designer for the Playhouse newsletter. Which is a (nominally) paying gig, so I am now officially a professional, commissioned writer! Or, close enough. I'm pretty excited about it.

Last night I attended my first Irish dance lesson; also quite exciting. I have always wanted to take Irish dance--used to leap around pretending like I knew what I was doing, and claiming it was Irish dancing to the inquisitive people who didn't know any better, or at least pretended they didn't to humor me. But now I know a bona fide reel. Jump two three, jump two three....

This evening I enjoyed a delightful dinner with the illustrious Allison--quite enjoyable. And tomorrow night I see Zhivago, the musical currently running at the Playhouse, with my mother. If anyone on Team Echoes happens to be reading this, I have been working on the DVD in spare moments and am almost ready to send it off, at long last, I promise. If you're waiting on a Town Crier DVD, I will also get to those, I promise, but it may be another little while yet. I also started The Secret History, by Donna Tartt, which I love so far. The characters are wonderful. The story is getting a bit creepy for the pre-bedtime hours which are the only ones I'm able to devote to reading, but it's definitely a gripping and well-written book.

Bonne nuit, and I hope that ta vie est si belle que ma vie! Bons reves!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad the dinner was enjoyable! See you soon!

9:23 PM  

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